6. Argument Essay - Music Piracy. Illegal downloading of music, music piracy, first began with Napster in Since Napster emerged in , music sales in the U.S. have dropped 47 percent, from $ billion to $ billion; for this and other reasons, many artists and fans alike, feel that illegally downloading music from the internet Essay on Illegal Downloading Record companies today believe that downloading music for free is a crime and hinders the sale of music in stores. Though it seems to be free, this paper present to the pros and cons of downloading music from the Internet. Important points will be discussed are the file sharing programs history, why downloading Writing an essay is not as easy as many students think and additional help from a professional source makes the task easier. Research Paper Writing Guide. Our customers report that the sense of completion is ingrained within them by the regularly delivered essays. The hot rush of triumph follows each time they download a finished paper
Effects of Illegal Music Downloading on the Music Industry - blogger.com
Illegal downloading is commonly known as piracy, it describe that the steeling music from artists, songwriters, musicians, record label employees and others whose hard work and great talent who make music possible. Nowadays, downloading music is available for everyone on internet. However, it is still illegal, illegal downloading essay. Downloading music on internet is what most people are doing because they do not have to pay, and they can choose only the songs they want to have. Unlike CDs which we have the whole album which might contain the songs that we do not want to listen to, plus we have to pay for it.
However, it is not always a good thing, it might be good for the people who download the music, but what about the music industry? Is it killing the industry, or does it have profits on it? This paper will discuss both pros and cons of piracy downloading on the Illegal downloading essay Industry, illegal downloading essay. One of the most important influences that internet piracy has had on the music industry is the sale of retail CDs. Until the past few years, CD sales were one of the key things that music industry insiders used in order to find out which musicians and albums were the most popular with the public.
Order custom essay Effects of Illegal Music Downloading on the Music Industry with free plagiarism report. The most well-known case that involves internet piracy and the music industry was when a group of major recording companies took peer-to-peer file sharing service Napster to court for facilitating copyright infringement in the year These claims included accusations that Napster was response for allowing users to infringe upon existing copyrights and were even encouraging users to download unlicensed copyrighted materials. When the recording industry won this landmark lawsuit, Napster stopped offering their file sharing services to users, and soon their company failed. Today, most people who download music illegally do it by using new peer-to-peer networks like BitTorrent.
The BitTorrent protocol is for of handling a lot of data very quickly and is very popular for people who upload and download copies of movies and television programs that have no license. In more recent years, dozens of major record labels and Hollywood studios have begun offering legal videos and tracks through BitTorrent in order to distribute their content on their own terms and avoid the pirating of their content. However, there are some profits that the music industries get from the music piracy. One of it is that older music is still available.
Because of the way contracts are constructed, artists do not own their own music—record labels do. So when artists that change labels, their new label is not allowed to produce the albums the artist made on the old label, and if the old label decides not to release the songs, the music is dead. Music downloading is the only way for people to access these old dead songs. It can also make the artists still be famous over time because people still listen to their music even if they are obsolete. Another positive thing is that the not well-known artists become more famous, and their music albums also have better sales. As the results, most artists do not get radio play, and their music videos are usually in low quality and they are not usually shown on the television.
Music downloading is great for lesser known artists to get the chance to be more famous, illegal downloading essay. Music Piracy allows people who download music to experiment the unknown artists. This kind of experimentation cannot hurt the industry, illegal downloading essay, it helps the industry instead. As people would not have bought the music if they cannot download it, but downloading and having the music may either make them realize they like the music, and buy the albums, or share the music to their friends, who then might like the music, and by the album, illegal downloading essay, or even go to the concert.
Illegal downloading essay smaller, independent artists have been on the rise in the past several years, and they also make profits to their industry. Illegal downloading essay artists repay this debt through money they got during concerts. And people who found out the artists through piracy may like the music enough to go to the concerts. The RIAA Consumer Profile in showed that CD sales at concerts have risen, it came from more people that go to join the concerts and more people that join these concerts do not own these CDs; both of this all came illegal downloading essay online music downloading.
From my experiences, I usually download music from internet, and when there is some artist I really like, I will become their fans and buy their albums. It also makes me know more artists that I never know of, and that is how it makes them famous. This is not just happening to me, it also happens to most of my friends. These facts illegal downloading essay that the music downloading is not all bad, but it might be to some music industries which are not so famous Even if music Piracy is illegal, it is very illegal downloading essay for someone to control or forbid people from doing it. It becomes part of the music society, everyone downloads music from internet. Some people do not even know that it is illegal because when they did it, nothing happened, no punishment or anything.
However, it is also a good thing it benefits many things, both to the consumers and the industries, illegal downloading essay. It might illegal downloading essay bad for the industry in few years ago, but now people start to get use to it and make profits from it. Artists actually get more famous from it. on Effects of Illegal Music Downloading on the Music Industry. Economically, illegally downloading music is doing the country a great disservice, illegal downloading essay, costing the music industry Due to the loss of money, there has to be a loss of jobs following right behind. The RIAA revealed that as a result of illegally downloading music, over 71, illegal downloading essay, jobs have been lost.
These positions that have been cut included people who once worked as artists, songwriters, producers, engineers, technicians and marketing support. But ever since the internet has taken over our lives, illegally downloading music has become an easier option for us and a threat to the artists and the industry. Music piracy is a real thing and illegal downloading essay a bigger threat to the music industry. This essay was written by a fellow student. You can use it as an example when writing your own essay or use it as a source, but you need cite it.
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Piracy it's a crime
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Essay on Illegal Downloading Record companies today believe that downloading music for free is a crime and hinders the sale of music in stores. Though it seems to be free, this paper present to the pros and cons of downloading music from the Internet. Important points will be discussed are the file sharing programs history, why downloading Essay On Illegal Downloading. Words5 Pages. In the century of high technology communication, people nowadays can connect and communicate with each other only through online internet connection. Nowadays, everyone wants anything with free of charge. It is include with the activity involves illegally sharing copyrighted media such as games Introduction. Globally, millions of people engage in some form of illegal downloading of copyrighted material. This practice continues unabated, despite the understanding that the act of downloading copyrighted internet content is illegal. 1 The big companies that engage in the production and sale of these internet contents are unhappy with such developments because
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