The one child policy limits the fertility rate that each woman can have only one child in efforts to cut down the population, and undo what Mao Zedong did to early China. Mao’s goal was to make China the next superpower nation by encouraging people to have many children Imagine having a child that does not know what it feels like to have a sibling. In China, the law “One Child Policy” prohibits families from having more than one child. People around the world need to take action and help repeal the law. This law was enacted to keep the population from growing. Many people are starting to rebel and protests brake out and take innocent lives Dec 07, · The One Child Policy can be very beneficial to families, If they follow the rules. By abiding this policy, parents will receive a “one child certificate”, which grants them various social benefits such as longer maternity leaves, interest-free loans and other services such as health care, state housing and education for the blogger.comted Reading Time: 6 mins
One Child Policy Essay - Words | Help Me
We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. Whether they are male or female, they have the power to be something when they grow up. But if their life is cut short, the opportunity to do so is taken away, one child policy essay. Although the policy may seem as though it is a good idea in solving the problem, the consequences of this policy has lead to female infanticide. Throughout centuries, China has been battling with overpopulation, one of the biggest issues that the nation one child policy essay been faced with, forcing the government to enforce the one-child policy. The desire to control the rapidly growing population dates back to the Mao Zedong era where the population number was at a ripe million people Stycos, What he did not realize at the time was that too many mouths bring hardship, poverty, and paucity of food supplies, one child policy essay.
Inthe Chinese government decided to enforce a policy that would help minimize the growth of their population McDonald, one child policy essay, The one-child policy was what they thought would solve the problem. Married couples would have to sign an agreement known as the one-child certificate. This certificate served as a contract between the couple and the Chinese Government one child policy essay that the couples and the one child that they have will be granted economic and educational advantages in return for promising not to have more than one child Audubon, Since each couple is allowed one child, the gender of that child determines whether or not it stays in China as part of the family. Since the beginning of time, females were always seen as being inferior to males in any society.
In China, when a female is born, especially first, there are many different choices the couple must make. First of all, are they willing to keep the child since it is the only one they can legally keep? If the couple decides that the child they want is a male, they must decide on what to do with this child. What happens to the child ranges from giving them up to state orphanages to murder. Due to the enforcement of the one-child policy, many female children end up in orphanages Beijing Review, Being put into an orphanage in our society would give the child a chance to live and maybe even be adopted by another family. In China, the conditions in the orphanages are so filthy that the neglect that they would have at home if the couple decided to keep the female would be better than the maltreatment they would receive.
Many female children end up in orphanages in China rarely having males occupy them unless there was something wrong with the child. Each month 90 percent from 50 to 60 baby girls arrive in one of the many orphanages and end their lives their Choe, The children sit on bamboo benches with their hands and feet tied to the armrests and legs of the chair. Below them are buckets that are placed under the holes in the seats to catch their excretions. When it is time for bed, the children are taken out of the seats and tied to their beds Geographical Magazine, This is the treatment that that the children face everyday and the Chinese do not see a problem with such harsh behavior.
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Get your custom essay sample, one child policy essay. Sorry, but downloading is forbidden on this website. Topic: Chinas One-Child Policy Essay How About Make It Original? Thank You! Sara from Artscolumbia. China's One-Child Policy In our society, the United States, children are seen potentially as the as the future. InChina implemented what is known as the "One-Child Policy" in order to try and solve their problem of overpopulation McDonald, Although the policy may seem as though it is a good idea in solving the. Sherrie Hood.
Why China's One-Child Policy is a tragedy like no other - DOCUMENTARY DEEP DIVE
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Feb 22, · Chinas One-Child Policy In The Chinese government introduced a policy decreeing that each family could only have one child and any family that had more than one would be given an annual fine. In this essay I will answer weather the policy has done what it was made to do The one child policy was enacted in and is currently in effect. The policy is enforced through incentives such as health care, educational opportunities, job and housing opportunities, and disincentives for violators of the policy. Violators face fines, loss of educational access, and other privileges Dec 07, · The One Child Policy can be very beneficial to families, If they follow the rules. By abiding this policy, parents will receive a “one child certificate”, which grants them various social benefits such as longer maternity leaves, interest-free loans and other services such as health care, state housing and education for the blogger.comted Reading Time: 6 mins
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